All You Need To Know About Heart Chakra Yoga

As we know that there are a total of seven chakras in our body and Heart Chakra yoga (Anahata Chakra) is one of them. This is the fourth main chakra of our bodies.

Heart Chakra(Anahata Chakra)means open or invincible. This chakra is directly related to love because this chakra is near the heart and the heart is connected with love.

It is said that this chakra governs the state of deep bonding and unconditional love shared with others.

Since love is a therapeutic power, this chakra is also considered to be the center of healing.

The color of Anahata Chakra is light blue i.e. the color of the sky and its corresponding form is Vayu.

Since air symbolizes freedom and dispersion, the name of this chakra also implies.

What is Anahata or Heart Chakra?

The heart chakra means “unhealthy, unstable, and unbeatable” and is usually associated with a calming sound of violence. It is referred to in Sanskrit as Anahata, meaning “sound that is made without any two things”.

This chakra is the control center for compassion, empathy, kinship and forgiveness. This underlines the unconditional love of being a connector between soul and kindness, as the fragrance always clings to the rose-giving hand.

This chakra is responsible for the balance between the earth (foundation, material, prime construction) and our emotions (ethereal, spiritual, spiritual creativity).

Heart(Anahata)Chakra Mantra

This chakra has a mantra -यं. To awaken this chakra, you have to meditate while chanting the लं mantra.

Heart(Anahata)Chakra Location

The chakra is situated on the central part of the chest,near the chest.

Characteristics of the Heart Chakra Yoga

The sound of the heart chakra spells; “I am worthy of love. I allow love to flow through my mind and body and experience ”when it can be experienced.

1) Release Expectations
When expectations are not met by our definition, we get hurt. So let’s go and give up expectations from life. Focus on doing the activities and then respect the result. This is what Karma Yoga teaches us.

On releasing hope, love flows unconditionally and in this way you can feel the heart chakra in full bloom.

2) Release attachment
Desire gives the fear of losing and therefore hurts. He who gives us pleasure also hurts us. When we can surrender our ego, we will not fall prey to the desires associated with the physical world.

To evolve in life, one must break attachments, remove expectations and make love unconditional and divine.

Understand the Heart Chakra


The Anahata Chakra is situated in the region of the chest and annular vertebrae, in the center and in line with the heart, behind the breast or sternum. Its position is above the third chakra (Manipur) and just below the throat chakra (purified).

Connected parts of the body with the heart chakra: the heart, upper back, thoracic and thoracic cavity, the lower lung region. This heart location has a relationship with the cardiovascular system, respiratory system and immune system.

The importance of the region’s close relationship between the lungs and the heart, oxygen regulation is a key component in keeping the cardiac cycle balanced. Pranayama is a singular practice to help this place of the energy system in the human body.

2. Importance of color

The soul is colored by the color of its thoughts.

This phrase signifies the health, prosperity, and kindness associated with this chakra. Thus, the energy emanating from this wheel is green in color.

The green color promotes a feeling of well-being and brings thoughts and feelings of compassion, kindness and love. Green is healthy, alert and a symbol of empathy.

Exposure to this chakra color (green light) promotes the secretion of 2 cortisol hormones in the morning, which wakes you up early and gives rise to fresh sensations in the morning period.

The color of the Heart Chakra emphasizes fresh growth, the promise of new hopes, eternal nature, and the ability to share that love.


Mantra: यम (YAM)

The seed for the heart chakra is “यम”, “YAM” which means Vayu (air element). This sound or “mantra” is associated with control over air and life.

The mantra of this chakra is “Love is divine power.”, Which defines the concept of self-awareness, self-exploration, and forgiveness.

4.Associated Element

The element associated with the fourth chakra is Air (Vayu), which is by far the lowest density of our physical elements. Air represents freedom, openness, and freshness, lightness, simplicity, and tenderness.

Chakras activate energetic pathways in the nervous and organ systems in the body through a specific range of frequencies.

These frequencies can be used in color modalities through energetic or healing touch that will encourage and improve the body’s natural healing abilities.

Balanced Heart Chakra Symptoms and Causes

When our heart chakra is open, love and compassion flow within us, enabling us to quickly forgive and accept others and ourselves.

By balancing the Anahata Chakra, we can release our emotional pain from unconditional love. The ancient classics believed that our “jiva Atma” (soul) – resides in the heart chakra, which is the transition zone for our physical self, the divine. As the heart center expands with love and compassion, our inner peace and harmony can grow in size.

Unbalanced Heart Chakra Symptoms and Causes

A closed/unbalanced heart chakra causes grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred towards oneself and others resulting in a lot of physical symptoms associated with the lungs, thymus, and heart.

Physical symptoms of unbalanced cardiac chakra: asthma, heart problems, high blood pressure, breathing problems, lung level infections, bronchitis.

Method to Awakening the Heart(Anahata) Chakra

This chakra is near the heart, so by keeping abstinence and meditating on the heart, this chakra begins to awaken.

Especially by meditating on this chakra before going to sleep at night, it begins to awaken with practice and the Sushumna penetrates this chakra and starts moving upwards.

Heart(Anahata)Chakra Yoga Sequence

Practice these yoga asanas to open your heart and activate the heart chakra:

  1. Half Camel Pose Yoga (Ardha Ustrasana)
  2. Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)
  3. Bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)
  4. Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
  5. Reverse Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)
  6. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

1.Half Camel Pose Yoga (Ardha Ustrasana)

Uttrasana is a useful tool to keep our body mentally and physically healthy.

This easy is called Uttrasana because in this posture the body is shaped like a camel. “Camel” is a Sanskrit word and it means “camel”.

Ustrasana is called “Camel Pose” in English. There will be some difficulty in practicing this asana in the beginning, but as the practice increases, this asana can be done very easily.

2.Wheel Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana)

Urdhva Dhanurasana is named after a combination of two words: Urdhva and Dhanur.

Dhanurasana means upward and Dhanur means bow. Urdhva Dhanurasana is a difficult asana, before doing this, you should make sure that your back pain is completely gone.

If there is any doubt, do not do Dhanurasana vertically and do Sethubandhasan instead. Urdhva Dhanurasana is also called Chakrasana (Wheel pose).

3. Bridge pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Setubandhasana is named after two words: “Setu” and “Bandha”. Setu means bridge and bind means to bind.

In this posture you keep your body tied or restrained in a bridge posture, hence the name “Setubandhasana”.

4.Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

The Urdhva Mukha Svanasana is called Upward Facing Dog pose in English.

In vertically facing bronchus, the back is tilted backward. It is a very beneficial asana for spraining the spine and back.

The upward-facing bronchial body is also an important part of Surya Namaskar’s posture.

5.Reverse Plank Pose (Purvottanasana)

Pravottanasana (PUR-voh-tah-NAH-sah-nah) is a sibling of bridge pose and planck pose.

Reverse planks may sound intimidating for conditions, but there are many forms of posture, all of which can help open the front of the body while strengthening the back.

6.Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

Dhanush Mudra (Dhanurasana) During this yoga, the body pose becomes like a bow, hence it is called Dhanurasana.

This asana is made up of two words. Dhanu and Asan. Dhanu is a Sanskrit word, which means bow. While there, posture Means posture.

Bow pose is considered one of the 12 Hatha Yoga. Dhanurasana yoga is done by bending the waist after lying down on the abdomen.

This asana has been considered an effective posture for the back and waist. This asana Stretches the chest and neck, strengthening the muscles related to them.

Heart(Anahata)Chakra Benefits

A balanced Anahata chakra makes the person unconsciously love and shows genuine compassion and self-acceptance which enables him to love and accept others.

Such people are philanthropic by nature. With a sincere and pure Anahata chakra, one really experiences spirituality only through Kamakrida.

Effects of opening Heart Chakra

When the Anahata-Chakra is awakened inside a person, then anxiety, fear, fascination, snobbery, indiscretion and ego are eliminated within the person.

That is, a person’s behavior changes. When this chakra is awakened, there is an awakening of love and sensation within the person.

When it is awakened, knowledge starts to manifest itself automatically. One becomes a highly confident, secure, characteristically responsible, and emotionally balanced personality.

Only after the awakening of this cycle, a person achieves many accomplishments. If this chakra is awakened inside a human being, then man can take a subtle form and he gets the power to renounce his body.

With this, one gets the Siddhi Siddhi from the air element. Shradha Prem awakens.

There is a lotus of twelve petals in the Anahata Chakra. It symbolizes the divine qualities of the heart such as ecstasy, peace, orderliness, love, cognition, clarity, purity, unity, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and surety. However, the heart center is also the center of feelings and emotions.


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