Ultimate Guide To Headstand Yoga — Sirsasana

Headstand Yoga

Nowadays everyone is compromising with health in the rush of work. As a result, one has to face stress, depression, and a poor digestive system. If you want that you do not have any such problem, then rely on yoga for that. Yoga can help to refresh the body and calm the mind. Although, there are many yoga asanas for this, in this article we will only talk about headstands yoga (Sirsasana). In this article, we tell you how to do headstand yoga (Sirsasana) and the headstand benefits, as well as the disadvantages of a headstand (Sirsasana), have been explained in detail. It is also important for us to know that just doing a headstand will not do any miracle. Along with this, it is also important to consume a nutritious diet and follow a balanced lifestyle.

What is Headstand Yoga?

Headstand yoga is also known as Sirsasana, Sirsasana is made up of two Sanskrit words, “Sirsa” meaning “head”, and “asana” meaning “posture”. The meaning of this yoga asana is to do yoga on the head. This asana is considered the most difficult. This is probably the reason why it is placed at the top of all rugs. For this reason, also it is called headstand yoga. While doing this asana, the body is in a completely opposite position, that is, an attempt is made to stand on the head. Sirsasana can help increase blood flow to the brain. This can help strengthen memory and increase the working capacity of the brain. (1)

Health Benefits of Headstand Yoga

Many people don’t do a headstand (Sirsasana) just because they feel they can’t do it. but it’s not like that. You can do it easily with little effort. There are many benefits to us by doing this. Whether you do the headstand with the support of a wall or without any support, but do it daily. Let us know about the benefits of this.

1. To Relieve Stress

Being stressed is common these days. Yoga can be used to overcome this. According to this research paper, yoga was used to control stress and high blood pressure. Sirsasana was also given a place in these yoga asanas, which showed positive results. Shirshasana helps to calm the body and mind. This can relieve stress. Therefore, the benefits of a headstand may include relieving stress.

2. Help Treat Asthma

The main role of breathing is considered in yoga. Therefore, doing yoga can be considered good to overcome any problem related to respiratory function. At the same time, asthma is a problem related to respiratory function. Due to this shortness of breath starts. In such a situation, the condition of asthma can be improved by doing a headstand. For now, more scientific research is needed in this regard.

3. For Digestion

To keep the stomach healthy, it is necessary for the digestive system to work properly. In such a situation, the help of a headstand can be taken to improve the digestion process. Physical activity through this asana can help digest the diet (2). By doing a headstand, the flow of blood in the body improves, the effect of which can also be seen in the digestive system. Thus, the benefits of a headstand also include a better digestive system.

4. Depression

Mood can be improved through yoga. As mentioned above in the article, doing a headstand(Sirsasana) can increase blood circulation in the brain. This can help in getting out of depression. Therefore, yoga can be considered a good treatment for depression.

5. Prevents Hair Fall

If Sirsasana is done regularly for many days, then hair fall can be stopped. By the practice of this asana, the flow of blood in the brain becomes very easy. It also makes the scalp strong and healthy, due to which you get rid of hair-related problems like hair fall, graying of hair, dandruff, etc. It also helps in making hair thick and long.

6. Increase The Glow of The Face

Sirsasana is exceptionally valuable in improving the excellence of the face. With its training, the blood supply begins in your face appropriately, and simultaneously, the progression of supplements and mineral salts likewise begins getting right. it shields you from pimples, wrinkles, and other facial issues.

7. For The Brain

Sirsasana is a very good yoga exercise for the brain. With this posture, millions of cells of the brain get a new life, because along with the proper flow of blood in every cell, proper nutrition and mineral salts are available. In this way, these cells and tissue are properly taken care of.

8. Beneficial For Bone Health

By doing a headstand, your bones become strong, so that you stay away from diseases like osteoporosis. That’s why Sirsasana has done at a young age helps to protect you from osteoporosis in old age.

9. Improves Mood

By doing a headstand(Sirsasana), the blood flow to your brain increases greatly, which gives you a lot of peace and your stress goes away. By doing this asana, there is a significant reduction in the production of cortisol hormone, which gives you relief from problems like anxiety.

10. Helps In Increasing Balance

Apart from making your body strong, a headstand also enhances your ability to balance. When you save yourself from repeated falls, it develops your ability to balance.

Do This Asana Before Doing Headstand Yoga

  • Karnapidasana or Ear Pressure Pose
  • Urdhva Padmasana or Inverted Lotus Pose
  • Pindasana or Embryo Pose
  • Matsyasana or Fish Pose
  • Uttana Padasana or Raised Leg Pose

How To Do Headstand Yoga?

Headstand is considered a very common and very easy posture, but it is equally difficult. To practice this asana, one should come to balance the whole body by resting the head on the ground, otherwise, you will not be able to practice it. Let us know what is the correct way to do headstand yoga.

Step by Step Instructions

  • To do the headstand, first of all, lay a mat and come to the position of Vajrasana.
  • Then, interlocking the fingers of both the hands, bend forward and place the hands on the ground.
  • Now tilting the head and keeping it in between the hands, keep it close to the ground.
  • Then slowly raise the legs up and straighten them.
  • In this position, the body should be completely straight on the head.
  • Remain in this posture for a few seconds and keep breathing at a normal pace.
  • Then while exhaling, lower the legs and slowly come back to the normal position.
  • In the beginning, do this asana for two to three times.

Precautions and Contraindications of Headstand Yoga

  • Do not practice headstand if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, cerebral or coronary thrombosis and glaucoma.
  • If there is a problem of blood hemorrhage in the head, kidney disease and slip disc problem, then avoid practicing this asana.
  • Do not practice this asana if you have a full stomach, body fatigue, headache or migraine.
  • In the final posture of the head posture, keep the body vertical and do not tilt backward or forward, otherwise the balance of the body may deteriorate and you may also get hurt.
  • If you have impure blood in your body, then do not practice this asana, otherwise the impurities can reach the brain as well.
  • Women should not practice headstand during menstruation and pregnancy.
  • Do not practice headstand if you feel dizzy, have a head injury or have a severe headache.
  • Do not practice headstand if you have a neck injury. Apart from this, people suffering from hernia, hypertension and obesity should also not practice this asana.

Tips For Doing Headstand For Beginners

For those who are doing this asana for the first time, it is important to keep some things in mind. We are telling some useful things for such people.

  • If you are doing this asana for the first time, then do it under the supervision of an expert.
  • It can be difficult to strike a balance at the beginning of this easy. Therefore, it would be better to resort to the wall.
  • It would be appropriate to do this asana on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • Put the entire weight of the body not only on the head, but also on the arms and shoulders.
  • Come slowly from this process to the first position. Take care not to hit the throat.


After reading this article, you must have known the miraculous benefit of headstand(Sirsasana). So, without delay, start practicing it from today itself. Also, keep in mind that it should be done only under the supervision of a trained yoga teacher, otherwise there may be loss instead of benefit. Also, the benefits of yoga will be available only if you do it regularly. Hope that the information given in this article will prove useful to you.


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